The Hague
Street lights:

Wide street does not necessarily mean 16-lane highway:

A road in a green district:

Bikes on the left, cars in the middle, trams on the right.
A diagram explains how to press the button to cross the road:

Cars can only drive here when there are no trams, the edges are occupied by parking and bike lanes.

A person at a busy tram stop helps woman to find out what route to take:

Tram lines go through buildings:

There can even be a bifurcation inside a building:

Light rail line high above the walkway:

A stop:

Temporary signage during the rail terminal reconstruction:

Way to the suburban trains. The are no turnstiles, passengers just wave a card at a special column:

Dutch trains are ugly, but the tint of yellow is good:

Street signs:

House numbers:

Manholes distances:

Tenement house entrance:

Summer night at the Plein square:

Summer day at the beach:

Beach sculptures:

Another sculpture:

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