Quick redesign for Unicorn
Unicorn sells original branded shoes. The goal was to increase the conversion rate of the product and order pages. To do this, we made a quick experimental redesign of the mobile website, through which most people buy.
Product page
The photos of shoes were hidden in a flickable gallery that was almost impossible to notice. It was also difficult to distinguish the size and delivery controls from the item description. In the new version, the photos have become larger, and the controls are easier to spot in text:

Large photos help to examine the sneakers and make decision, but also they make the page more fun adding to the desire to explore various models. The text color of the description is selected automatically based on the color of the sneakers themselves. It looks pleasing, and helps to separate the custom description from page elements common to all products.
The fixed “Buy” button section now takes up less space, despite the larger text and more comfortable tapping:

Previously, you had to check a separate table when in doubt about a size

The size and shipping options became more compact. If you know your size, you can select it by scrolling the mini-carousel, and if you need to figure it out, the drop-down table is itself a selector:

Everything got bigger, but the design still fits more of it.
Order page
Because of the numerous gray bars and text, the order page looked non-functional. The customer was immediately invited to sign in and enter their phone number, whereas they wanted to buy shoes. In the new design, the conversation starts with what the customer cares about, while technical issues are solved in between:

The size and shipping options are repeat on the order page, so you can double-check them before paying.
In the first month after adopting the new design, the conversion rate from product views to “Pay” button click has increased.
Ilya Birman
Art director and designer