Three crosses are the main elements of the Amsterdam’s coat of arms.

On cheap souvenirs, instead of actual crosses × the letter x is used:

Walking is dangerous here: at any moment a bike can attack you from any side. And turns out it is your fault all the way: you are walking on a bike lane. Problem is, everything is a bike lane in Amsterdam.

Most of the bikes are very old:

Bike signs lead to The Hague:


Three-level bike parking at the central railway station:

Underground bike parking at the library:

Inside the library there are nice couches:

For those without bikes there are trams:

The next tram indicator board is hard to read, but looks cute:

Some tram lines part only at stops:

Ticket booths are inside trams:

The letters IJ in the word Lijn (“line”) are painted as a U with a gap:

On a warm summer day people go boating:

Another kind of transport:

Drinking water:


Two guys play frisbee over the road:

The coffeeshop worker shows the special offers under the counter:

Tourists take pictures with large letters saying “I am sterdam”:

Vlissingen | The Hague | Amsterdam ← Ctrl → | Eindhoven | Netherlands |