I took a lot of pictures of Helsinki streets:

They are wonderful:

No lampposts:

Shabby red house:

Nothing special, but it’s hard to stop admiring:

When the houses are too boring, they just paint them:

Traffic signs are colorful:

Too many words:

In Finland there are two official languages, Finnish and Swedish. Street name plates are paired:

They are simple yet very nice. Lisa aka Elisabeth:

Districts used to have animals’ names:

Finnish car license plates use one of the most beautiful fonts in Europe (see also Switzerland):

Tram stops are also simple and wonderful. They are green, made of three sections, have a name in the corner in Finnish and Swedish and some number:

Finnish ad:

Some stops have a display panel with a table of departures:

An unusual stop:

Helsinki transport logo on a bus:

Metro entrance:

No turnstiles, only card readers. The text at the yellow line says you can only cross it with a pre-paid ticket, or you’ll face a fine of 80 €:

Every toilet, including the ones in the airport, hotel or a cafe has a hygienic shower:

These things are mounted at many doors. Apparently, they are for snow removal:

Manhole covers:

A brick wall:

Building entrance numbers are actually lamps:

A cube:

A ball:

A prism:

A cylinder:

A house:

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