Use without internet or use other network
Sometimes when you connect to a Wi-Fi network, a login window pops up, but it remains blank for a long time. So you give up and press Cancel. And you end up here:

This is the most frustrating menu in iOS. What am I supposed to do? First of all, I have just pressed Cancel and the system has ignored me. Instead of cancelling the process, it decided it should bother me with some additional questions.
As if it wasn’t bad enough already, the choice I am presented with makes no sense to me. There is no “Just Cancel” option. The Cancel button you see on the bottom will just Cancel the cancellation process I’ve initiated and get me back to the blank window. I don’t want to “Use Without Internet”: I need the Internet. I don’t want to “Use Other Network”: this is the only network available here. I just want to Cancel. Please? Just fucking leave me on 3G.