Tag: iPhone

28 posts   See also:  Apple   interface   design   video   Mac

Feature request: Temporarily disable password and Face ID

Apple did a great job: they invented Face ID, which reliably protects the phone and still works seamlessly

iOS Safari and memory management

Here’s what I don’t get about the iPhone’s Safari and memory management

Monument Valley 2

During WWDC, the new Monument Valley was released. It’s the most splendid game ever. I’ve finished it, having made some screenshots

The revolution in the mobile user interface

It’s about time to flip the mobile user interface vertically

iPhone passcode keyboard rendering bug

Years pass, but Apple just wouldn’t fix this bug in iOS. When the iPhone asks you for the passcode, it shows the keyboard where system keys’ borders aren’t semitransparent

The design of the iPhone 7

Somehow it’s become a common knowledge that the design of the iPhone 7 is almost the same as the design of the iPhone 6

Reminders app is so buggy

Reminders is one of buggiest apps Apple has ever made. Sometimes it forgets to remind, sometimes it reminds twice

Create a new contact or add to an existing one?

Boy do I hate this question

Use without internet or use other network

Sometimes when you connect to a Wi-Fi network, a login window pops up, but it remains blank for a long time

On iPhone sizes

In September, Apple introduced iPhones 6 and 6 Plus, both bigger than iPhones 5s and 5c. I’ve tried holding the new phones in my hand and found even the 6 to be way too big

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