User interface

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Selecting country to enter your phone number

Here is an example of a dumb user interface. You can’t just enter your full phone number, you have to select a country from the list first

May I notify you

Notifications often appear at the wrong time: while I am trying to finish a sentence or to listen to my colleague on a call

Fuel low; here are petrol stations

When running out of fuel, not only does my car light an LED, but also offers to show the nearest petrol stations using the built-in navigation

BarPrepHero user interface

I designed the new user interface for the BarPrepHero app. Now it stands out among apps for lawyers

Remind me of the past

It would be great if the store reminded you, which card you used to make the recent purchase

Selection anchoring and undo on a Mac

A text selection not only has a beginning and an end, but also an anchor. It is whether I started selecting from the beginning or from the end

The hover and click should match

This principle seems obvious, but there are too many interfaces that violate it. Thus, a blog post

Group checkbox setting

Say you have an interface with a column of checkboxes

Redesigning Hawaii missile alert user interface

A couple of weeks ago Hawaii residents got a shocking alert on their phones

Reachability by overscrolling

There is an accessibility setting on the iPhone called “Reachability”. When you enable it, you can double tap the Home button or swipe down the Home indicator on the iPhone X to make the screen content

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